Zefren at the Stanford Arts Intensive
On September 12th to the 15th the I had the most rewarding experience at Stanford University. This experience was originally scheduled for the fall of 2020, and little did we know then that it would take three years for it to be completed. This trip wraps up 2023 full schedule of flights and collaborations that were all reschedule because of the pandemic. In the late winter of 2020 I met…

Zefren-M to be a part of Fluid Gaze Exhibition in Albuquerque
“Colors may fade but I still exist” with be part of this exhibition from it’s opening night September 30th to the end of year. Colors may fade as always be a person raw piece as it was the frist time i used my own experiences of growing up as a gay Navajo that believed the indoctrination of Climb the ladder and return to the reservation. Life was not easy and…

Another Dye session with Rainbow Fiber Co-op
Rainbow fiber got new tapestry weight yarn from this years Navajo Nation wool clip. we sheared, sorted a few thousand pounds of navajo churro wool, and rainbow fiber sent v it off and has it scoured and spun. Now they need some expert dye technical assistance with this amazing white. Below are some pictures of the process. Join thier mailing list for the release date for this amazing yarn at…
Finishing for gallup ceremonial
At the waiting of this I have 9 inches left to weave on a double weave/two faced poncho chief variant. I started this way back in February and have been taking it with me to every demonstration up to now. The design combines the morning dawn blanket with the warriors night blanket. One side is white and black stripes and the other is red and black. 1 st phase center…

Autry Indian market place was fun
The weekend went good, new markets are always a gamble as you have to establish and network to find and maintain collectors. LA collectors are diverse and choosing what kings of art they may want to buy from you can be difficult. It allowed me to experiment while honing the traditional. I hope I can add this as an annual market because it’s intimate and in a great new place.…

The Autry rocks and cold So-Cal
Just got back from the Autry American Indian arts marketplace. It was cold and foggy the whole time and was a welcome change to summer at home. I felt like I was in the hills of north coastal California. The marketplace was interesting collectors are few but very knowledgeable in what they purchase. Not many textile collectors even though I know this area has some of the this area has…

The shop is live and I’m getting ready for the Autry American Indian marketplace
Long hours and sweat have been my nights as of late. Here’s a 8 gauge sterling silver bracelet after stamping.

Halfway on the Rainbow fiber Wool Shearing season.
Through winds, dust and cold we have continued to sort and process the wonderful wool from the Finest Navajo churro Producers on the Navajo Reservation. The tells the story of every flock the good and the bad but overall we are all grateful that Rainbow fiber needs wools and pays the fair price to these wonderful herders. more at www.rainbowfiber,org and https://www.instagram.com/rainbowfibercoop/