516 ARTS’ presents Fluid Gaze, curated by Rachelle B. Pablo (Diné), which features the work of 13 artists from various creative practices and 2SLGBTQIA+ identities, presenting Indigenous, non-Indigenous, and Latinx perspectives.
https://www.516arts.org/exhibitions/fluid-gaze – 09/05/2023

“Colors may fade but I still exist” with be part of this exhibition from it’s opening night September 30th to the end of year. Colors may fade as always be a person raw piece as it was the frist time i used my own experiences of growing up as a gay Navajo that believed the indoctrination of Climb the ladder and return to the reservation. Life was not easy and little did years of schooling that education and self sacrifice will make your life equal to a western Caucasian cis-Male.
In my early life the need for belonging lead me to adopt and adapt to a exploitists society where gay native men are commodities and what little we earned by selling out bodies went straight into vices that held is into the system. That is until you age out, burn out or die. The white hands of power and authority hold you down until the end.
A combinations of friends, surenpidiy and family rescued me from the cycle and i’ve been healing ever since. The color runs out of a bleeding heart but what once was choas and anger is reshuffled and made a part of the greater tapestry. Recovery means that the past and present influence the future and through story telling society can change one observer to the next.
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